Odd Primes Mask: `if is_prime(2*k+1) 1 else 0`; 0111011011010011...
It can be implemented by Bitset in sagemath or bitarray in Python.
Sieve of Eratosthenes by OddPrimesMask
opm=Bitset('01'+'110' * (5*bits//3-1)) # 2*2*top+2+top=bits top=(bits-2)//5 for b in (2..top): for a in (2..b): #if 2*a*b+a+b <= bits: opm.discard(2*a*b+a+b)
Sieve of Sundaram
**Prime-Gap-Subsegments-Theorem**: In prime gap sequence, if any subsegment occurs twice, then it will continue to occur infinitely times. such as `{2}, {4},{2*k},{2,4,2},{6,6},{2,6,4,2}...`. In other words, any repeated substring of OddPrimesMask occures infinitely times. Such as `0`*k, `101101101`, `1001001`,...